Monday, November 26, 2012

November Growth in the Garden

Here are some pictures from a foggy Monday morning at the Center Avenue Community Garden.

Karen taught a lesson in Brenna's preschool class about the benefits of composting awhile back, and had a great time reading a gardening book to the kids, showing them items that they CAN and CANNOT compost, and helping them plant some sweet pea seeds into these 6-packs.  She took them back to the garden's greenhouse to grow, and sure enough, they've sprouted!

Shelling peas and fava beans are scattered among the sunflowers and tomatoes that are going to seed along Center Avenue.

 Garlic and lettuce are beginning to break through the soil in the new spiral bed along Center Avenue. Thanks Carlos and Jennifer for planting!

 Kale, fava beans, and a few other vegetables are taking to the soil where the Three Sisters grew this Summer.

 Some good-looking chard  and onions.

 Colin charging into the garden, one of his favorite spots to play. The grape along the left side of the entrance is still kicking!

  Cool picture of some chard and kale growing amongst some flowers.

 More fava beans.

 Red Russian Kale

 Not sure what this red leaf is. Anyone know? (Note: Thank you Bob, David, and Jenn who all informed me that this is a Castor Bean plant, and actually poisonous, and SHOUD NOT be eaten - it may have arrived through the wood chips.)

Here's Colin helping keep the garden tidy.  First, he pulls some weeds....
 Then he hitches a ride with them to the compost bin...
  Finally, he tosses them in the bin!  His response? "Let's get some more, Dad."

Colin checking for any dry spots in one of the garden beds.

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